Relive = Revive = Revent

ReLive-->>Bring back ur HEART to where IT BeLongs........................... ReVive-->>Everchanging moods............................ ReVent-->>DifFerEnt..UnqIue..SpeCiAl....................

Saturday, August 20, 2005

lousy week

finally the end of the work week....(at the moment)....but the routine will start again soon because weekends always fly by so quickly....been sleeping late for the first time in continous four nights.....and this is how i looked on a friday morning when the office so quiet....

still not wanting to start work....i laze around first....see the file behind me it's not even open and itz like around 9 plus liaoz....muah hahaha....

then the next step make the table look messy as if very busy and look like doing work....then i went to prepare my breakfast....*hand covers mouth laughing*...

the 'keep out' sign was a present from my's to warn people to stay away from my table but erm....i guess there wasn't any use....then i hand the bear which my assistant gave me on her last day....sad looking bear...

waited and waited for the time to pass and soon it was lunch time....went to amara food court and walked 3 rounds then finally settled down with what to eat...decided to take a picture first because i've never seen any stall would give such big saba fish for a set which cost $5....worth eating...maybe it's not clear but i was amazed that the fish tail would curl upwards so nicely when fried!!!..haha..

okay!!...enough of crapping....i gotta go study my financial planning mid-term test....100 MCQ in 2 hrs....sob sob...


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