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ReLive-->>Bring back ur HEART to where IT BeLongs........................... ReVive-->>Everchanging moods............................ ReVent-->>DifFerEnt..UnqIue..SpeCiAl....................

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Vivo outing

Another simple weekend has past, tomorrow is monday again. So sad.

Spent the rest of sat at Vivocity with gabbie.....we wanted to try out the new cinplex....caught The was quite a nice show.....not some juvenile horror flick,,,,,,quite interesting storyline.....and lots of eye candy.....i give this 3.5 out of 5 popcorns.

The crowd at vivo was over packed with people man....before the movie we want to have a cheap dinner at Republic foodcourt but was fully packed, hence, we went down to the basement caught Thai Express coz there wasn't any queue.....



After the movie we walked around the sky garden area....lots of people there boring....

i was actually trying to take the night scenary of sentosa.....but it seems too far away....

Attempts to fit us with background scenery also failed...:(

It was so hot out we decided to end the day with some coolness.....Yes!.....Ice-cream....Ben's n Jerrys was fully packed so we settled for Hagaan Daz....

While waiting for our ice-cream~~~

Trying to take a shot of gabbie's pimple on his vain....

1st try

2nd try

i give up!

Anyway it's quite an artistic shot.....reflections of the shop opposite...

Finally our ice-cream came, after all our cranky takes and we had 2 video shots....but im too lazy to upload....

It was quite an enjoyable day.

Yup, today was hunting day for my dad.....was hunting all round for handphone for my dad coz his presious samsung died on him....glad he found a new hp and he's returned to nokia....

Been urging to catch this latest i've said my love for dancing movies....this is coming up for me.....

Channing Tatum is just so hot!....Watch the Thriller and you'll know why.


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