LiFe & doWn
Life is full of surprises...1 min u can get alive and strong...the next u r down and sick...i've been feelin down these daes coz of my daddy...he's been sick since fridae and i dunno wat to do to help him...after seeing so much doctors he doesn't seem to get better...keep sayin he's tired and sian...i see i also no mood...feel so worried for scared also...there's some wind in his stomach and itz stuck according to the doc...he haven been eating for 4 daes....totally no can a human don't eat...tts y im so worried for him...juz so so so worried...i juz dun wan to think of the stage of goin to the hospital coz tts a bad sign...haiz....
my mum was tellin me that she realised life is so small....when one dies,everything dies...imagine when burnt,will be forever kept in the bottle forever...we come from ashes and go back in ashes...that's alwiz live life to the fullest and alwiz treasure all ur loved ones ard never know wat will happen to anyone who is dear to you...
this time was the longgest time my dad ever got sick for....i promise myself i'll be better to him and not tok back to him since he's so old alreadi and he alwiz tries to give me watever i i juz pray that God will heal him and help him get well only hope is for him to get better....the hse feel so lifeless....i want my daddy to get better....-_-""""""""""
sundae or not.. .. ..
slept at nearly 12 last nite and still feelin restless this mummy couldn't wake up for 9.30am mass so we gotta go to another church for mass...had been my dad's personal assistant for the past 28 and a half hours...i think i've got the cut for a once in a while kinda nurse and not those full time nurse...keepin track of the time to take medicine and checkin up on the patient every other hour is driving me crazy....
am studyin law now in such a HOT weather is killing me too....hmmm...hopefully to be able to sleep early phone calls and no hanging onto the com for hours......
back to S216-opression of minority shareholders....
sTay HOmE sAT
wah....woke up feelin bright w a soar-rie eyes...dearie and i hung onto the fone for 2 hrs plus last nite...ended the conversation ard 3am.. though the duration was shorter den the last time but was fun tokin thru the nite in darkness...after we hung up i still couldn't doze off so i listened to some music before falling Zzzz at 4...haha...attended 2 lessons of gab's healthy living tips....hahaha....Tip1: Try to sleep early everyday, dats the secret to slim down and cut down fats. Tip 2: Do not skip breakfast and best taken wif quaker oats ,hmmm keep it plain and add some fruits into it...itz healthy and to maintain ur desired figure...hee hee...hope i've got my stuff correct yah...haha
aniwae though feelin tired but still woke up considerably early ard 8 plus....and discovered that my dad wasn't feelin usual the wind in the stomach so i gotta get changed and take him to the doc...upon reachin there goin in to the doc is fast but the collecting for the medicine was like s***~!!! fed up waiting so so long there & when i chase the nurse to be faster she gimmi that kind of pissed off look....wat kind of attitude is that man....wanted to tell her off but i decided to forget it instead din wan to embarress myself in croweded places....and so im now here writing the full report of the happenings of the first half of my dae....gonna rest a while and start revising on my work...wosh~!!! looks gloomy...hope it will rain the whole dae since im not goin out...haha...
woke up late todae but was on time for work though...was lookin forward to todae coz was goin to meet gab after work...kept thinking todae was fri...hope it was the weekend soon...but aniwae at work i was hoping time was moving faster...was supposed to meet gab at raffles mrt ctrl...but someone is late so i gotta go down to city hall the joke comes in...dearie promised me a surprise and it turned out to be so funny...he told me that he was goin to develop a photo of me to paste into our sketch bk (dats the surprise)...but end up no surprise coz he was so silly that when he used the machine he actually din send the photo over so after half an hr went back to the photo studio no photo came out...dearie is so clever (juz kidding) that was the joke of the dae....muah hahaha~~!!...
that was it....and so we juz started by walking thru city link aimlessly and walked over to suntec...and so so so so so so.....we juz walk walk walk walk walk walk walk and WALK the whole of suntec again and again and tryin so hard to think of wat to haf for dinner....and so we end up eating Thai express at city link there....i muz say the food's nice there...except if u are bigger in size u might not be able to fit into the chair coz itz quite small...hee hee...i ordered a softshell crab curry rice and gab ordered pha thai...both course was nice....itz the first ever i had dinner so early...finished eating ard 6 plus...haha....den he walk to esplanade and walk again of we were walking thru the underpass we discovered that along the stretch of walls were pics of couples/lovers intimate moments and wedding poses....all was so nice...after reaching esplanade we walk down the lane to find a nice spot of sit and was so nice that we could catch the sunset together...sat there for like 6 plus to 8 plus...juz sitting there and hear the waves gushes in was so soothing to the ear and feeling the wind breeze pass!! nice...and towards the end when we were abt to leave gab juz picked me up and carry to sit on his legs....i was like so scared 'wat if he din carry properly and i roll down to the water den die liaoz...lucky none of that happened....and so after a while more we decided to take some desert b4 heading hm...and after we stood up gab grab to carry me again...there goes another shock....ahah but dat was nice...and gab promised a piggy back ride from him...haah....
after that i was so sleepy i could juz sleep and walk...but we had haagen daz ice-dream b4 heading...todae was really nice...


went to watch The Terminal wif gab yest....the show was alrite...very touching....the show sort of gives me some inspiration to move on as im very moody these daes...and feelin very down...juz very worried for my studies thats all...the show haf parts of silly-ness and and smartness...and would comment that tom hanks's a really marvellous actor though he's grown bigger in size but he's still good his acting....give this movie 4 popcorns out of 5...
as for 2dae...after church went to liang court to haf brunch...went to the tung lok group chinese resturant for dim sum....the motive was actually to ask for price of the dinner package at that dad suggested that i celebrate my 21st burfdae there...wanting to be nostalgic coz when i was 1 years old he threw a dinner celebration for me there so he says to do it again 20 years later...hahah...sounds quite a good idea but alternatively we are also hunting for different packages to compare...hmmm...feelin excited of turning 21 and being an adult....the other nite i was listing out who to invite and hopefully i picked the rite pple to come....but for now still my worries are on my studies...gotta force myself to do lotz of practice and revision....
after lunch my parents and i went down to orcard to look for clothes for my mum...we are hunting clothes to wear for my cousin's wedding at the end of the mth...went to orchard OG and later down to centrepoint....walked for abt 2-3hrs but still din find anything nice or unique and coz of all the walking we got we head down to delifrance for tea dad had the tuna crossiant set, i had tuna puff and my mum the sultana crossiant....we gave up in the end...was so tired and we decided to head hm after tea break...and guess wat time was our tea??? was 4 plus nearly 5 and so we had dinner ard 8 plus...
and so i am here typing the happenings of the day....Phew~!!...wat a day...
hope tml's a better dae....bye bye to mondae blues.....~~~~~~~~~~~
moodie MoOd
really feelin pissed,fed-up,sian,bored,scared...everything dun seem to turn out rite....haven haf enough time to study....the exam timetable was juz out...i need more time!!!!! mood to say anymore...

tired tired tired
went to watch Anaconda yest wif junfong.. and had dinner at billy bombers at bugis....basically the show was alrite but the first sequel was more exciting i guess...this time was juz abt the same but the cast was different and the motive was different....i would gif it 3 popcorms out of 5....
itz basically a group of researchers have found that the blue orchids found in Borneo could prolong human life and stay youthful therefore went in search of the blue orchid..little do they noe that the area is comb wif anacondas....and itz the mating season and everything got out of hand...most of the researchers got eaten...and blah blah blah....and follow up those eating and screaming comes ard....and the ending the good guys survived....and that's it....still think the first anaconda is better....
mOndae BluEs
got up from the wrong side of the bed i guess this morning....feelin' moody + dreamy + pek chek-ie....reached the office early todae and started rushing stuff...lotz of work order to work on...doin job ad in jobsdb the whole dae...hmmm....den went hm after work...but still feelin tired....guess din sleep well tts y...
todae's lesson was corporate accounting...and itz the first time that i din had mood to study todae...halfway thru the lesson i fell asleep and im sitting at the third row and i keep yawning...but lucky the lecturer din notice me...*heng ah*...and wanted to leave the lesson after the break-time but stayed thru the whole lesson in the end...
was complaining to gab that im so moody...guess he also find that the problem lies wif me man....i dun understand y i keep complaining also....haiz....guess im still not settled down wif my life as yet...haven really settled down wif sch and work....hope to c some improvement soon...guess exams are round the conner tts y im feelin anxious......
sam came over to my place to print her flight schedules...and hmmm....dunno when will i get to c her again...she juz celebrated her 21st burfdae last sat and im happy that she's happy and contented wif her shld i celebrate mine????....
did a lot of walking todae....after work went for a trim of my bunggy hair...den went to meet my couz for dinner....hmmmm have to say that he looks better than the last time i saw him...defintely brighter wif a nice smile when the braces are taken away....hee hee
got a phone call from Drake International that they actually found me 2 positions at the moment and asked me if i approve of my resume to be sent to the client...i was like ok...the gal keep persuading me that both are good is a big finance company at suntec and the other is a government i was like ok give it a shot lor...c whether i get shortlisted the more i cant quit my present boss is like "i say wat then wat" that kinda itz very pai seh to juz go like that...
haiz...but the pay is abit attractive for a person wif no experience like me to start off wif....hmmmm...gotta think carefully and am gonna pray abt it....gotta get more opinions...
my couz got a good book for me for my birthday...itz an advance gift actually...the book's titled "I Kissed Dating Goodbye"...the author is writing abt his life experiences and i guess itz gonna be inspiring...will update on the book when i get thru halfway...
think gonna start tonite...
juz hope things will go on smoother for me.....
how to describe my mood todae....while in the mrt on my way to work todae rec'd a msg from my student's mum to say that she stopped work and couldn't continue the lessons becoz her finances r tight...okie fine...less one income now...but aniwae nvm for me...teaching her children makes me stress...alwiz dun practice and i alwiz end teaching the same things almost every week...i shall hunt for better students i guess...
work haf been fine for me boss is words to say man...yest told her i work till 3pm and todae work till 1pm...and she said "okie"....den i was like okie????!?!?>..i haf my way man...hmmm....dun do that often if not she thinks im taking advantage of her then....
im revising singapore company's law now...tml's law lesson...i hope i can catch up wif the lecturer....he's alwiz rattling away...tot we all secretaries sia can write short hand ah...alwiz speaks so fast....this wk's another busy week...hope next wk's pace will slow down for a while...
haven been able to go on a shopping spree....really feel like doin it for one whole dae...missing lotz of tops,bottoms,etc etc....and somemore money no saving up for the American Idol concert next mth at the Indoor Stadium...5 Oct...itz either the 158 bucks or the 138 by citibank cr card haf 10% discount....hmmm....saving up for that....American Idol, anyone?......
kzz....gonna stop wasting time now...back to study......~~~~?@?

13 goin on 30
thirteen goin on thirty...
watched 13 goin on 30 yest wif my ex-colleague....finally itz a watchable movie after 2 moive bad moives i've watched...itz very touching....
itz abt a 13 yr old gal,Jenna, who wants to be popular in sch and wants to join the coolest grp in sch....she had a good fren though called Matt..he's so sweet,he actually made a model dream house for her and he sprinkle some wishing dust on the on her 13th burfdae she invited the 'cool grp' of gals and the guy that she's havin a crush on...the leader of the group, Lucy, wanted to make fun of Jenna & suggested that they blindfold her and ask the guy to go into the closet w her and he can do anything to her for 7 whole mins...and Jenna was like ok...and so she went into the closet...the grp of gals was so bad they took all the food and drinks and left her hse...Matt came over and wondered wats wrong...Lucy told him that Jenna was waiting for him in the closet...and so he went in...the moment he went in Jenna knew something was wrong and she took off her blind fold and saw Matt...she mistooken that he chase all her frenz away and got very angry and started to hit her head on the shelf....and the model hse dat Matt gave her was placed on the shelf and the wishing dust began to start falling on her...she was at that moment wishing that she was 30,sexy,popular and thriving...and wah la...boom she was to the future and became 30 yrs old living in a nice apartment, a popular magazine editor 'Poise'...she's rich and famous...but slowly she found out that she had been a bad person...she left her family,doesn't tok to her parents,din went hm for christmas, and fall out wif Matt...luckily she was able to find Matt again and asked him all abt her and wat happened to her....after all that she've seen of herself den she realised that the kind of life is not wat she shld be living for...she decided to make a change for the better...she made up wif her parents and Matt...but for Matt...she has to try very hard to get him back...wooo....itz a long and touching story but im too tired to type alreadi...i was so touched that i cried for her...this show also make me realised to treasure wat i've now...
How Ironic???
haiz...i did something that i din expect myself to do....i was so firm that i want to quit and get out of this job...but luck wasn't on my the moment still couldnt find a i actually suggested to my boss that i work for her for half dae i'll be off from work in the afternoon so that i can study at the later part of the dae...hhahaahahahah....the more i think abt it the funny i feel...rather than jobless again....and no money for the mth of sept....haiz....
wat do u guys think?...i find that im beginning to be a very fickle person liaoz....wat to do...?...hey sam...i seem to c u in me now leh...hahah....hope to catch up wif u guys soon...gotta go back to making phone calls now...buay buay...!!!^@^